Organizations & Resources
Local Environmental Organizations
Friends of Lapham Peak supports and promotes the Kettle Moraine State Forest-Lapham Peak Unit through sponsoring or promoting special events, fundraising for special projects, organizing volunteer work days and offering additional services to park visitors.
Friends of the Mukwonago River
The mission of the Friends of the Mukwonago River is to protect the Mukwonago River and its associated watershed ecosystems by way of education, advocacy, and promotion of sound land use throughout the watershed.
Friends of Retzer Nature Center
Friends of Retzer Nature Center provides volunteers and monetary support of the Retzer Nature Center.
Friends Of Vernon Marsh
Friends of Vernon Marsh works to restore native plant and wildlife communities and enhance the quality of the outdoor experiences enjoyed by visitors to Vernon Marsh. Equally important, Friends of Vernon Marsh helps educate the public on the important role that Vernon Marsh plays in the protection, cleansing and recharge of water resources, and the preservation of wildlife and open spaces.
Greener Oconomowoc provides the Oconomowoc Area with a healthy community, a healthy economy and a healthy environment through the understanding and implementation of the Natural Step principles.
Ice Age Trail Alliance - Waukesha / Milwaukee County Chapter
The Ice Age Trail Alliance - Waukesha / Milwaukee County Chapter is responsible for maintaining 44.1 miles of trail that extends between Monches (on the border of Washington County) and the Town of Eagle (on the border of Jefferson County).
The Retzer Nature Center provides hands-on outdoor / environmental educational opportunities for school groups, families and adults through public and private programs.
Spring City Spinners Bike Club
The Spring City Spinners are a bicycle touring club located in Waukesha Wisconsin. We emphasize group recreational cycling, safe and effective riding, socializing, bicycle advocacy, and FUN! Our cycling tour, Pedal The Kettle (PTK), features a marked route with ride options of 30, 60 and 100 miles that's open to all skill levels and ages. Food and water stops with home-made cookies, bagels, fruit, cue sheets, maps, and sag wagon services are provided. Contact: Mark Blackman,
Tall Pines Conservancy is a land trust working to preserve our rural heritage by protecting remaining farmland, water resources, natural areas and open spaces impacting Northwestern Waukesha County. We focus on Farmland and water resource protection in the Lake Country area. Volunteer opportunities!
Waukesha County Environmental Action League (WEAL)
Through local action, public programs, newsletters, and the Waukesha County Environmental Action League (WEAL) provides up-to-date information on environmental issues to the general public, teachers, county, city, and village officials and state legislators.
Waukesha County Land Conservancy
The Waukesha County Land Conservancy promotes protecting environmentally significant lands in Waukesha County.
Waukesha County Recycling Center
Waukesha County Department of Parks and Land Use recyling and solid waste disposal department.
Wild Ones – Menomonee River Area
Wild Ones strives to become a widely recognized voice for native plants and the sustainable landscaping movement, promoting increased use of native plantings that create living landscapes through grassroots efforts by example, education, marketing, and personalized support.
County Resident Resources
Statewide Resident Resources
1000 Friends of Wisconsin
Alliance for Sustainability - Ashland, WI
Catholics for Peace and Justice
Clean Wisconsin
Energy Center of Wisconsin
Energy Composites Corporation -Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Food & Ecosystem Educational Demonstration Site (FEEDS)
Focus on Energy
Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC)
Growing Power
Interfaith Earth Network
Landscape Pesticide Registry
Madison Environmental Group, Inc.
MadiSUN - Madison
Master Composter Program (UWM)
Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Milwaukee's Green Map
Recycle More Wisconsin
Renew Wisconsin - Madison
Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center's (SHWEC)
Southeastern Wisconsin Fair Trade Directory
Sustainability@Wisconsin – University of Wisconsin - Madison
Sweet Water Organics
Tall Pines Conservancy
Transition Milwaukee
Walnut way
Wisconsin's Bioenergy Forum
Waukesha County Environmental League
Wisconsin's Climate Change (Wis-DNR)
Wisconsin Department of Nature Resources
The Law and outreach
EEK Environmental Education for Kids
Invasive Species
Wisconsin Climate Change
Wisconsin Natural Resource Magazine -
Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation
Wisconsin Energy Corporation
Wisconsin Energy forum
Wisconsin Environment
Wisconsin Environmental Initiative
Wisconsin Green Builders
Wisconsin Green & Healthy Schools Program
Wisconsin Home Energy Assitance Program (WHEAP)
Wisconsin Interfaith Climate & Energy Campaign (WICEC)
Wisconsin Interfaith Power and Light (WIPL)
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters
Wisconsin Partners for Sustainability - Madison
Wisconsin Renewable Energy Summit