Gift, Gratitude, and Joy Program
Gift, Gratitude and Joy is a six-session program that takes participants through the main themes of Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si'. The series is designed for small group discussion, either in person or remotely, and can be adapted to larger groups with breakouts into small groups for sharing. Each session builds upon the previous themes and is designed to be 90 minutes in length, however you can customize the material and length to suit your group.
Where do I start?
Begin by viewing the Program Overview Document and the Program Guide. All resources for the sessions can be found below.
Upcoming Programs!
2hr Gift, Gratitude, and Joy with 2 dates to choose from:
Thursday, 10/3 6:30-8:30pm and Friday, 10/4 9-11am.
Celebrate the Season of Creation and the Feast of St. Francis with Gift, Gratitude, and Joy, a 2 hour program built on Franciscan spirituality and Caring for Creation. Through presentations, activities, discussions, and scripture meditations, you will experience prayerful moments and concrete ways you can impact the world.
Video Training for Facilitators
What is Laudato Si'?
Click on a Session for Resources and Links
Resources and Links
Session 1
The Gospel of Creation
Considering Water
Getting out of a Bind Game
CST 101 - Care for God's Creation [Runtime 3:04]
Making It Real
God's Gift of Water
Sending Off With An Adventure
Calculate water usage & thank God for the gift of clean water.
Fast from water. Choose a water conservation suggestion from this Stewardship List & pray for those who do not have access to clean water.
Read and reflect on Wisdom 13:1-5. Choose an activity of your own that stems from this text.
Read this CBS news article about animal population decline and consider what you will do knowing what you now know about human effects on creation.
Spend time outdoors meditating on perspective: Outdoor Perspective Meditation Instructions
Session 2
How We Know God,
A Franciscan Perspective
Considering Food
How we know god, A Franciscan Perspective with Fr. John Celechowski [Runtime 14:20]
Making It Real
The Food Waste Quiz
Sending Off With An Adventure
Fast from meat this week and remember our brothers and sisters who don’t have access to meat.
Collect and weigh all food wasted in your household this week.
Read and reflect on Philippians 2:1-13. Choose an activity of your own that stems from this text.
Read this article about America's Food Waste Problem and consider what you will do knowing what you now know about equitable access to food and food waste.
Write or sketch your own Canticle of Praise for Creation.
Closing Prayer
Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon (~St. Francis of Assisi) by John Michael Talbot [Runtime 3:58]
Session 3
Sharing Gift With Gratitude
Considering Waste
"Sharing Gift with Gratitude" a guided meditation
Making It Real
Where Does It Go?
Sending Off With An Adventure
Watch the story of bottled water and consider what you will do knowing what you now know about human effects on creation.
Inventory your pantry and consider what packaging can be eliminated by changing your purchasing habits, and what should be recycled versus landfilled.
Fast from single use plastics (bottled water, bags, ziplocks, straws, plasticware, and styrofoam) and thank God for all God has provided.
Take a garbage bag with you on walks to pick up litter.
Visit www.earth911.com to get more ideas on how to recycle and reduce.
Read and reflect on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Choose an activity of your own that stems from this text.
Spend time in prayer looking at nature: Visio Divina.
Closing Prayer
Play the song or watch the music video “Majestic” [Runtime 2:49]
Session 4
Finding Joy in Simplicity
Considering Consumption
Finding Joy in Simplicity with Joe Meyer [Runtime 19:52]
Making It Real
Understanding Hidden Resource Use
Sending Off With An Adventure
Watch the story of stuff and consider what you will do knowing what you now know about human effects on creation.
Choose a waste reduction opportunity from this Stewardship List and pray for more simplicity in your life.
Determine how you can fast from our 102 ton legacy by simplyfing and reducing consumption.
Calculate your ecological footprint for ideas on how to reduce consumption.
Read and reflect on 1 Timothy 4:4-5. Choose an activity of your own that stems from this text.
Take a prayer walk in nature: Prayer walk instructions.
Closing Prayer
Play the song or watch the music video “Everything is Holy Now” [Runtime 4:55]
Session 5
We are "All in All" in God
Considering Energy
We are "All in All" in God with Debra Schneider [Runtime 13:48]
Making It Real (pick one)
Environmental Justice Activity
Energy and Equity Quiz
Sending Off With An Adventure
Fast from energy (consciously reduce your usage by choosing from this Stewardship List) and pray for those who are negatively affected by the burning of fossil fuels.
Read and reflect on Ephesians 4:1-6. Choose an activity of your own that stems from this text.
Calculate your carbon footprint. Consider how you can reduce your footprint.
Use the EPA's mapping tool to further explore how your actions impact your neighbors.
Find a comfortable place outside to listen to a guided meditation
Read Laudato Si’: Chapter 5 paragraphs 200-201 and Chapter 6 paragraphs 202-246.
Closing Prayer
Watch the video “Earthrise.” [Runtime 4:29]
Session 6
Seeing with New Eyes
Choose from the following Options:
Restoring Relationships, a guided discussion
Find a Guest Speaker - Contact WCGT
Resources for Beginning a Creation Care Ministry
Dreamcasting Exercise
Watch and Discuss Alice's Garden [Runtime 9:33]
Further Exploring Laudato Si
Making It Real
Bringing It Home
Build Your Own Adventure
Conduct an Ecological Examination of Conscience.
Get involved in a local organization, such as the Waukesha County Green Team, the Waukesha County Creation Care Network, or your parish creation care ministry.
Pick one simple act from this Stewardship List, followed by another, and another.
Read Laudato Si individually or as a group using this US Conference of Catholic Bishops discussion guide.
Program Presenters

Father John Celichowski
Director of the North American Pacific Capuchin Conference (NAPCC) Novitiate in California.

Catherine Orr
Pastoral Associate at Lumen Christi Parish in Mequon, WI; Program Coordinator for the Roundtable Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Directors

Joe Meyer
Executive director of Laudato Si' Project, Teacher at Marquette High School, Milwaukee, WI

Debra Schneider
President, Waukesha County Green Team, Spiritual Director, Coordinator Faith Coalition Against Sex Trafficking, Waukesha, WI